Saturday, February 13, 2010

Its About Influence

Change is a product of influence. So, if you want to produce change, you have to understand the concept of it is developed, how it is shaped, and how it is applied in society.

Influence is developed in a learning process. Our students are expected to learn how to learn; to learn how to think; and to demonstrate mastery of a body of knowledge according to the courses they take, the major they engage, and the degree they ultimately earn.

Such a degree of learning ultimately translates into a high level of capability in the workforce. I challenge our students to be as good as or better than anyone they work with. For, at that level of capability, they will earn the respect of those with whom and for whom they work. And, with that respect comes the opportunity to influence.

Influence is a product of learning.

But, influence to what end? Influence is always guided and shaped by some set of values, principles, or convictions. Those shaping elements may be good or they may be bad. History certainly reveals the results of both.

At the University of Mobile, those values, principles, and convictions are drawn from scripture. Spiritual development is an intentional part of the university experience so that with learning...development of the mind...comes the development of faith and life-convictions based upon the mission, nature, ethic, and revelation of Jesus Christ. Thus, the principles and directives of scripture give guidance to influence resulting in the greater good of a society.

Influence is guided by faith.

Influence is applied through leadership...simply the appropriate and effective use of influence to create change in a given context.

We speak of change...a spiritual and cultural transformation of America. It happens only as we develop succeeding generations of leaders whose thinking, policy decisions, and influence are shaped by the principles of scripture.

More later.