It's early on a Sunday morning, and I am moved with the awareness that God has allowed me to witness some of what He is doing in our nation. In making that geographical distinction, I do not indend to ignore God's presence and work in the greater world. It's just that my passion and deep concern is for America...specifically the intersection of two major philosophical concepts, Responsibility to God and Liberty as established in the Constitution.
I speak of these concepts not to endorse a political party or a specific religious group. I speak of them as a follower of Christ as prescribed in Scripture and as an American with some idea of history and the nature of people.
The people wanted change two years ago. We got it. In a very short period of time, the convergence of a philosophically liberal president and a philosphically liberal majority in both houses of Congress, empowered by a popular desire for change, has taken our nation dramatically away from responsibility to God and to the curtailment of liberty. The end of that move is not yet in sight.
Given that context, I believe the Lord is surfacing, among individuals and groups, those whose minds are drawn to these two core concepts. There is a swelling tide of opinion...still small in comparison to the need...that America does indeed need change, but change toward God...toward responsibility...toward liberty.
An example of that tide is the "Manhattan Declaration." If you have not read it, please do so at Mr. Chuck Colson, co-author of the MD will be in Mobile, AL on the morning of Wednesday, 12/23 to tell of his walk with Christ which led to drafing this magnificent statement of a Christian world view. Free event...all are welcome...Mobile Convention Center, 6:00 a.m. (yes a.m.)
The University of Mobile is part of that growing tide. Through our programs, our graduates, and our influence, we will see America honor God. I'll show you the specifics as we go.
For now, pray, and follow my posts on twitter at DrMarkFoley for updates to this blog and for links to other points of interest.
More later.