Sunday, August 15, 2010

America's Red Zone - The Definition of Marriage

Definition of marriage is about to become THE topic in our country. Recent action by Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker overturning California's Proposition 8, set in motion a series of actions which further threatens a core concept of healthy society...that marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a life-long union.

The proposition, carried by a majority of voters in California, banned gay marriage. The District Court ruled that the state law violated Constitutional rights of same-sex couples who, he determined, should have unrestricted opportunity to obtain a marriage license. Supporters of Proposition 8 have appealed the District Court decision to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

It is very likely, in my opinion, that the 9th Circuit will uphold the District Court finding. The appeal will then be carried to the U.S. Supreme Court.

So, the stage is being set for a modern American Supreme Court to define marriage in our land.

It is too early in the process to know the exact timing in the process, but it's coming. But, it IS time for the Church in America...citizens of America who call themselves by the name of Christ begin a serious buzz on this matter.

The Church has given a lot of moral ground in the past sixty years...caving on issue after issue. It's time to stop the retreat, and this is some serious high ground to stand upon.

The Court will view this issue from a Constitutional perspective...equal rights for gays who wish to unite themselves in an exclusive partnership...but it will also consider the cultural aspects of the question. Therein lies opportunity...we must not allow the court to ignore the fact that they are also dealing with the definition of the core concept of society. We must also keep the court aware of majority opinion on the matter. There is historical precedent of court decisions being swayed by public opinion.

Bottom's time for the Church in America to get noisy...or stay complacent and lose again.

More later.