A contribution from my daughter, Molly Sawyer...wife, mom, friend, daughter...a busy lady.
Every year, about the third week in November I find myself hunched at a starting line in the ready-set-go position. I wait anxiously for the gun to sound, heart racing, legs ready to push off in a mad dash. No, this race is not the Turkey Trot or the Jolly Jingle Jog. This is the Merry Mayhem Marathon that I participate in every year - a figurative race spanning the entire holiday season made up of mile high to-do lists, long lines, lots of receipts, conflicting schedules, and oh yeah, the birth of Jesus.
This year, early in the season one of the things on my to-do list was to clean out the closets in preparation for a “Swap” that some girlfriends and I were doing. The plan was to gather all our junk on one night in one place and then rummage through each others’ stuff to find treasure. I stood looking at my cluttered closet trying to discern the useless from the useful, and I again felt pressed as my lengthy to-do lists (yes, that is plural) flashed in my mind. And then… the Lord graciously met me in my muddle. He took my mind to the story of His visit to Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Like me, Martha was in a tizzy over the cleanliness of her house, the holiday menu, the decorations, the Christmas cards, the shopping, the houseguests, etc… “Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.” (vs. 40). The Lord looked at her and said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better…” (vs. 41-42)
“Mary sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.” (vs. 39)
Only one thing is needed. Scripture tells us so clearly what that one thing is! I am to sit with the Lord and listen. That is the only thing that must happen every day. Put the to-do lists aside. My spirit and mind will be rested and at peace because I am sitting with Him. And I will know my daily assignments because I am listening to Him. I can then be the disciple, the wife, the mother, the daughter, the friend He intends me to be.
So, back in my closet, I was struck with the deeper meaning of de-cluttering. As I pulled junk out, I knew I had to discern the same in my life, my schedule, and my plans for the holidays. If I would follow His lead, I had permission to sit, not run the marathon. My prayer for you this Christmas season is that you will sit the race out and embrace the One Thing needed.
Merry Christmas!