That's quite a step for a small liberal arts college of 1,600 students in north Mobile, Alabama. Yet it is exactly what we have committed ourselves to do. In order to accomplish that goal, we will...
- Affirm the nature, mission, ethic, and revelation of Jesus Christ as articulated in Scripture
- Offer nationally respected academic programs
- Promote effective integration of Christian faith, academic discipline, and vocational practice
- Gain national recognition
- Cross denominational, political, and geographic boundaries
- Specifically promote the concepts of freedom, responsibility, capitalizm, and entrpreneurialism
- Adopt effective structures, methods, and programs for the post-Christian environment
- Adopt effective generation-specific methods of instruction and communication with students and constituents
- Develop world-wide and non-traditional partnerships
- Maintain a vibrant relationship with the family of Alabama Baptist churches
Rather simply put, we form our approach to the task around three points.
(1) The work of the university - Rigorous academic programs intentionally integrating faith with academic discipline will advance to a national stage.
(2) The influence of graduates - Post-baccalalaurate institute for policy and leadership focused upon development of future candidates for public office.
(3) As a catalyst for persons of like mind - A national forum for development and implementation of strategic influence upon national character and policy.
Such an undertaking is not possible within the common traditions and resources of a small college. Rather, it is possible only with the assembled talents and resources of a large and diverse group of individuals who are drawn to a common purpose by the providence and assignment of God.
God has chosen to work in obvious ways in the city of Mobile. It is my belief that he is working similarly in other places in our country and that he has already started a restoration of America. We will be part of bringing those various pockets together.
Stay tuned on my twitter site (link is above right) for updates and links to text, audio, and video files documenting the need and the restoration of our country.
More later.