I have never been more concerned about our nation and convinced that change is needed. It will require a political and philosophical change of leadership in the white house and in congress. Policies now being pressed upon us are moving us to economic and social bankruptcy and handing this nation and to foreign nations who hold our debt.
But this is not simply a political issue. It is a philosophical one...one which has significant spiritual foundations. We are a nation, once dedicated to honoring God, which is now doing all possible to separate itself from the things of God. And, that is a very dangerous place to be.
The most recent case in point is action by the US Airforce Academy to provide a place on the campus for pagan worship. See the article at this link. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2010/02/air-force-academy-creates-worship-area-for-pagans-druids/1
Listen to my talk on politics and religion titled, "The Lost Book." Click on this article title for the audio link.
More later.